Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Unnecessary Risks

There's a complete lack of snow this morning. Where was the massive dump they'd promised us? Weather forecasters eh? I almost go in on the bike but decide not to, in case the roads have been heavily salted, that is if they have any left and my mechanic (at the bike shop) has advised me not to go out in such conditions on my revamped bike. So instead, I jog to the bus with the intention of running home later.

Here's an interesting thing. It says in the paper that every year more boys than girls are born. Yet by the time, these people reach adulthood the tables have been turned and girls outnumber boys 51%-49%. The reason, apparently, is the testosterone-fuelled risk taking behaviour that wipes out the excess males before they reach the age of eighteen. Hmmm, don't believe a word of it. Us males don’t take unnecessary risks. It's just a coincidence that nearly all the cyclists on the roads are male.

If you're female and looking for a mate, the demographics don't get any better because that trend continues, plus far more men than women end up out of circulation in prisons and there's also the fact that there are more boys who prefer boys, than girls who prefer girls. Despite all that, I don't particularly remember being in short supply when I was younger.

I head over to Derby for MD's training, which goes well, whilst L and Doggo are able to run due to a distinct lack of the white stuff.

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