Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday The 13th

What a day to get back on the bike, Friday the 13th, perhaps tempting fate a bit. L is feeling a bit superstitious and isn't keen on me cycling but statistically fewer accidents occur on Friday the 13th than other Fridays, simply because people are more careful because of the date. Wikipedia reckons that the fear of Friday the 13th is known Paraskavedekatriaphobia, which rolls off the tongue. It's Greek apparently. Oh course, Wikipedia is never wrong, so it can't be a hoax.

Spring must be on its way because it really bright this morning, I don't really need lights on my bike. The roads are fine too, all last night's snow has gone.

I do get one spot of bother as a chap overtakes me then see a bird he knows on the pavement, so he slows down, waves at her and then pulls over right in front of me. Emergency stop time. As I try and still my rapidly beating heart, he winds down his window and gestures for her to come over. If he's hoping for a kiss through the window, he's out of luck because rather than go around him, I go down the inside, so now he's got cyclist in his face.

Somehow, the gremlins of Friday 13th stop L's emails getting through to me. When she finally makes contact, she tells me she was on the point of calling out the search party. What's worse, she says its already upped her alcohol intake for tonight. Its 10.30, I’m disappointed, she used to say 9.30 was the point at which she called them out.

Four spoons of decaff today in my coffee. Now we're getting somewhere... well perhaps not, I'm just getting bitter tasting decaff.

The snowman we built at work last Thursday has been hanging on in there but he's down to just his feet now, by tomorrow I'm sure he'll have departed this world.

I survive the curse of Friday 13th on the way home too. Despite some chap trying to blind me with the brightest rear light I've ever seen on a bike. Can't imagine what battery power he's got behind that. It's like a car fog light.

In the evening, we walk the dogs to the Victoria. The beer isn't great but it's still a good night out.

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