Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A Self-Fulfilling Prophesy

'If that little so and so plays up again I shall bring him home again.' So says L as she departs with the dogs this morning.

MD tells me he didn't mean to bite his lead or Doggo's yesterday, he just can't help himself. L should understand, it's just like when someone leaves a chocolate bar on her desk at work. Today though he's too preoccupied with lunging at cars, the way they crunch through the ice really winds him but he doesn't get taken home. It's a good job too because he and Doggo are needed to hand out medicinal licks to the face when Daughter slips over.

I leave early for the bus, in case they're running late but it was bang on time and we got into Derby early. There aren’t that many cars around; I think most people are skiving off even though most of the snow has now gone. Either that or they're forced to be at home because their kid's school has closed. The councils need to look at this because for every teacher who can't get in, for primary schools at least, that causes up to 30 parents to take the day off work with all the damage that does to local businesses.

Somebody managed to battle in through the half inch of snow to put that sign up!

The media have been telling us how bad things are, weather wise. Whereas they're probably just referring to a square mile or so in the south-east, it still has the effect of terrorising the whole country and therefore like the recession, that they're always talking up, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy.

On the bus, someone is playing Britney Spears’s new single on their mobile phone as loud as they can, trying to be cool and controversial after the furore over the title 'If U Seek Amy', say it slowly. Britney doesn't seem overly bothered about locating a girl called Amy after all.

MD's training tonight is on. I couldn't see why it wouldn't be but as I've said, the smell of a bit of snow does strange things to peoples minds. He'll be pleased he gets to see his group of pals. He's quite the socialite.

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