Thursday, February 26, 2009

Getting A Tow

On the bike again and I try a new route. I’m a bit sick of the long straight stretch through Wollaton. I love the rest of the ride but I really hate that first mile, so I defy death and go down Derby Road with its three roundabouts and fast traffic.

Well, actually I avoid the first roundabout at the QMC by using the cycle path (the asphalt formerly known as pavement) and the pedestrian crossing before joining the road after the roundabout. The second island at Priory was fine but the third; Bramcote Island with its four lanes looked interesting, so I bottled it, waiting for the lights to change then using the crossing to get in position at the head of the traffic.

At lunchtime, the Bridge Inn serves us a killer chicken and mushroom pie under it's 2 for 1 offer, which unfortunately runs out at the end of this month, when we'll have to start looking elsewhere for lunch again.

Now I can barely move. I really need that cycle home, now.

Finally, it is time to cycle home and it's a bit faster than I expected when I catch someone drafting me. I try to outpace him but he stays in my slipstream. So I slow down and let him go past. He's really nice about being a cheeky sod, thanks me for the 'draft' and offers to return the favour. He then goes off like a rocket and leaves me scrabbling for his rear wheel.

We alternate like this for a while, getting faster and faster, until he turns off and I can slow down a bit. It really does work, getting a tow in someone else's 'draft', the only snag is you have to be quite close so you don't get to see the potholes and exposed drains coming, that is until you hit them.

I cycle to the leisure centre to have another go at that elusive swim. I'm armed an extra lock in case I really do need to risk chaining my bike to a fence but wonder of wonders, my little rant seems to have done the trick, not only are the two 'locked but empty ones' now unlocked but the caved in door has been pulled out and repaired. Only one of the three is in use and genuinely so. Hurrah, I get my swim.

Early to bed again tonight, this time with red wine. Have you noticed that the 'a glass of red wine a day keeps your cholesterol at bay' rule now seems to have been scrapped and replaced by 'a glass of red wine a day gives you cancer'. Confusing isn't it and it's no wonder that nobody takes any notice. Cheers.

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