Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Post-Holiday Blues

L takes the boys out as I come in on my bike. L's post-holiday blues seem to be lessening a bit, though I think I'll still keep her away from sharp objects and the gas oven for a bit longer.

MD is perhaps feeling a touch of the same blues as L reports that he made three attempts to commit suicide under passing cars this morning. She's not sympathetic and vows to take him out on his expandable lead tomorrow, so that he can succeed. I'm sure she doesn't mean it. She'd be choked if she had to scrape a flat-hedgehog shaped MD up off the road.

After work, I bike straight to the swimming pool, its weeks since I managed to get a swim in and I'm out of luck today as well. When I get there, I can't get a bike locker. Only one of the four is in use but two of them are padlocked and empty, they have had the same padlocks on them for a least two years, whilst the fourth has had its door caved in. I grumble my complaints at the centre, who reckon that some of their staff use the lockers... to store fresh air presumably.

I head home swim-less because I'm not leaving my bike chained to the fence outside, exposed to the vagrancies of the local mafia.

Tonight's it's our final team training session before Crufts next Thursday. It goes well and Doggo does particularly well. Before his session, I try to do a bit with MD but whereas at his Tuesday training each dog trains individually on these Wednesday sessions two or three dogs could be training at once. It's worth a try but he absconds almost straight away, desperate to join in with what the other dogs are doing, which looks much more fun that what he should be concentrating on.

Then back home to L who's ready for an early night, seems those blues really are lifting.

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