Thursday, February 05, 2009

Meteorological Armageddon

The snow is back and it's actually rather impressive. I rule out taking the car, it's probably still the quickest way into work but you just know someone will do something stupid and I'll be stuck in a queue for the next millennium. It's just not worth the hassle. In fact, as L confirms, it's already happened and someone has abandoned their car in the middle of the traffic island by the Dog & Topper. Actually, it's now Tesco's, isn't everywhere, RIP the Dog & Topper. At least it won't be holding the traffic up.

Cycling also looks a non-starter, oh for a mountain bike, which would do the trick and all this snow would make a soft landing should I come off. I consider running, the snow is runnable but then I'd have wet shoes to come home in. So, in the end I take the bus all the way. It's understandably running late because the roads are actually quite bad and the bus crawled all the way. Not much gritting in evidence.

I assume the holdups are due to the weather and not just Forest supporters throwing themselves in front of moving cars, they're taking last night very badly.

Everyone at our company makes it in eventually, skivers we are not. Someone comes in on his MTB, ooh I'm jealous, it would have been good fun on the path down by the river, must get one, bike number four.

Once at work L tells me that Daughter has been sent home because the school has been closed, this is all announced after all the kids are well on their way in. If this is for alleged 'Health and Safety' reasons, I think the amount of children involved in sledging incidents recently shows it's probably safer for the kids to be at school. I can't recall my school ever closing due to the weather, despite the bad winters we had back then. There were times when we couldn't physically get there but the school always remained open for those that did.

What’s worse is they've now suspended all bus services. Great. Can’t imagine why, the Red Arrow coped brilliantly this morning and conditions are clearly improving, not getting worse. So now, I have a fourteen-mile walk home. Thankfully a few hours later, after a deluge of complaints, they restart them.

My squash match goes ahead despite the meteorological Armageddon. This is a shame, in a way. L has already suggested we take the collies around the pond again, followed by mulled wine and perhaps candles. Très romantique.

I'm kind of surprised the leisure centres are open but they are. Bravo. Oddly though, the council has closed all the libraries... work that one out, oh and five city parks, which really doesn't make any sense. The fun police are out on the prowl again.

The staff at the leisure centre greet us in their new uniforms. They're all very nice but I can't help feeling they could have saved the money and put it to a new door for the squash court, which still won't close properly.

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