Friday, November 27, 2009

Tin Hat Required

It was very pleasant on the bike this morning. Cold but dry.

Had an odd happening though when I cycled past a chap with a little black terrier dog. I often see them, when cycling and when out with the dogs. I always give them a wide berth when I’ve got the dogs because MD hates the terrier but I think it’s just that the terrier hates everything and especially my bike.

It always has a go at it but this morning it ran after me with the man attached. He had to run quite fast to keep up. So I felt I ought to stop, because I was worried he was going to have a heart attack but he yelled at me not to stop, so then I pedalled off again. Most odd. Perhaps it was his morning workout. Hope he’s ok.

Oh dear. Work must be stressing L again as there’s no ‘Good’ in the title of her first email of the morning. Apparently she’s erased that word from her vocabulary. It could be a tin hat weekend.

I keep talking to people who say they are in the process of finishing off their Christmas shopping at the moment. Has the world really gone this mad? It’s still November. No wonder the shops always say they’re not selling much in the run up to Christmas, this is obviously because most people seem to do it in July. People who clearly have too much time on their hands. I have kind of started thinking about a Christmas wish list... but I’m refusing to give it anybody until 1st Dec.

L’s still stressed in the evening. I try a bit of seduction, that doesn’t seem to work. So I take her down the Plough instead.

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