Wednesday, September 30, 2009

In The Gutter

Perhaps they all read my whinge about motorists the other day but today three cars move over to the right and out of my way as I move up through the traffic, which is great. There’s always one though, who has to drive right up to the curb so that cyclists cannot get past. They’re probably the first to complain when cyclists hop onto the pavement to pass them. This morning though, no complaints.

Ah, apart from the bin men in Spondon. They must have a new guy on board because someone had neatly lined all the bins up for emptying... in the gutter. Great. Another obstacle to quick progress, not that I'd have been particularly thrilled had I been in the car either.

L’s at the pool, being outnumbered by the lifeguards. She’s thrilled. Pool to herself and no shower queues. Problem is if she’s the only there, they’ll soon axe the session due to lack of popularity. This is all since they changed the pool times, stating this was what people wanted! Err, obviously not.

Cycling is very good for reminding you of your own mortality but today we also get two reminders of the mortality of man’s best friend. We hear the devastating news that a friend’s dog has died this morning after a long illness, a collie not much older than Doggo.

Then L sends me a news snippet that at least three dogs have died and five others been taken ill after being out walking in woods in Nottinghamshire. Vets suspect poisoning but say the source could be natural. So we’ll be keeping away from the effected woods of Haywood Oaks, Blidworth Woods, Sherwood Pines and Thieves Wood. No orienteering for Doggo this winter then, all those woods are popular orienteering venues.

On the way to the pool, I pass a cyclist who is looking particularly unstable as he careers downhill along the bus lane. As I give him a wide berth I notice the reason for his instability. He’s riding a unicycle! Downhill! In a bus lane! One waft from the Red Arrow bus and he’d be in someone’s garden. Brave chap... if that’s the right word.

We have a beer later; an overworked, knackered and stressed L looks like she needs it. We are also sad about our friend’s dog, so we drink to his memory and the boys get extra hugs tonight. RIP mate.

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