Friday, September 04, 2009

Cold Prevention

I wake up to possibly the perfect morning for cycling, albeit rather chilly, although I hadn’t made allowances for the strong headwind. Hope it’s not as windy as this on Sunday.

There is a clatter in my spokes partway along by route. I have a quick check that everything vital is still attached. I thought it might have been a brake block come off, I only changed them the other day, but no they’re all still attached and working. Wheels? Check, there are still two of them. Gears? Check, still working. Chain? Check, still on. Bike computer? Check... what doesn’t dawn on me at this point is that although my bike computer is still attached to my handlebars, the ‘sender’ has come off the front forks.

Both L and I are battling not to catch Daughter's cold ahead of our events on Sunday. L says she's filling herself full of therapeutic fresh orange juice. Daughter’s meanwhile is at ‘Big Wok’, hopefully going all out on the ‘healthy’ vegetables, although whether deep fried and MSG coated vegetables is good for you I’m not sure.

We've planned a long walk to the pub in Beeston tonight, if we manage to get out of the house early enough. For this expedition L reckons she’ll have to wear boots, scarf and gloves to further insulate herself from off any chance of any germs developing. Hmmm, if she putting boots on we may not be quite so early getting out the house.

As I prepare to cycle home there's a gale blowing outside. L promises anything I want if I promise to cycle safely and get home in one piece. Really? Anything except snogging that is, banned as part of her cold prevention routine. I can work round that.

In fact the cycle home is easy because the wind is behind me. It was probably a very quick time too but having lost use of my bike computer I’ll never know.

Still we get to the pub at a reasonable time, walking there and back with our four-legged sidekicks.

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