Sunday, June 07, 2009

Evil Eye

Doggo is giving me the evil eye all morning. It's still raining and I reckon he’s worried in case we’re off to the dog show again. Then when I think he's come to the conclusion that he's escaped that, he starts giving me a different sort of evil look in case I've forget that I haven't taken him to the park yet. Despite the fact that it's still bucketing it down, in fact it’s far worse than yesterday. So even I’m glad we’re not at the show but the boys will just have to wait for their session on the park, there's little point going out whilst it’s like this.

The rain has also put paid to my other planned activities today. Those being hedge cutting and taking my new girl out for a spin. That's definitely off the menu, there's no way I'm getting her dirty, even if does eventually stop raining. Oh well, we'll just have to chill in bed a bit longer.

Late afternoon I decide to join L at the gym. I do 5k on the treadmill, 5k on the bike and 1k on the rower. So, not a bad workout. The council will be pleased. I was a touch put out when they wrote to me recently, urging me to use their facilities because it could ‘greatly improve my health and well-being’. They have obviously not been paying attention!

Enclosed with it was a leaflet containing fitness advice for the over 50’s. On second thoughts perhaps they have been paying attention and have joined in with taking the Michael. Hmmm.

We’ve taken the dogs with us and as it has, at long last, stopped raining, I walk them home, around the University and across the park for a ball session. So Doggo can now finally stop glaring at me.

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