Friday, March 27, 2009

Hot Tea

I take L and the dogs out for a run this morning and then I jog down to catch the bus into work. Then I plan to run part of the way home tonight. We're got a fifteen-mile run (with cake stops) planned for tomorrow but this is all about building stamina for my forthcoming birthday treat of the Hellathon.

Bugger. Having cleared up my computer virus that I've been battling with I now seem to have managed to re-infect myself from one of my backups. So this blog has been getting a bit behind mainly because I've been unable to do much blogging in my lunchtime at work due to this situation.

As I make my morning drink I'm reminded of something that I read in today's paper. They're now telling you to leave your tea for four minutes before drinking it or you face an eight times increased risk of getting cancer. Eh? From hot tea? Now we are getting silly. It's wasted on me anyway, as L will tell you, there's no way I can get anywhere near a mug of hot tea until it's cooled for at least ten minutes.

Apparently it's hailing in Nottingham. We have a bit of rain over lunch in Derby but no hail, at least not yet; it's probably saving it for my run home. Tomorrow apparently could be worse and colder. I don't envy anybody out running fifteen miles tomorrow.

L's bought some new trousers and I stand well back as she tries them on, in case she spontaneously combusts if they don't fit. Thankfully they do and look great. Which means that we don't need to head out in search of the copious amounts of alcohol that that she was threatening. Which is relief as it would have to have been copious amounts that won't give us a headache for tomorrow's run, which wouldn't have been easy. In the end we stay in, after all, Daughter is staying out tonight and such opportunities are just too rare to miss.

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