Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ample Redress

I head out on this morning’s run with stiff legs after my momentous victory last night. L joins us, flashing her ‘wished I’d stayed in bed’ eyes at me. Not working. Doggo trots along, ears back, full of concentration. In contrast MD’s ears are up, full of enthusiasm and the joy of life. He keeps looking and smiling at Doggo, thoroughly enjoying it, practically touching noses which generates a 'grrr' from Doggo. Doggo’s just desperate to get on with it, to get the 'on the lead' bit over with, to get to the bit where he can get some off lead and no longer be attached to the little pain.

I have to divert through Dale Abbey on my drive in to work, after a road closure at Kirk Hallam. Good job I wasn’t on my bike, that detour would have took me ages. Although sometimes the police do let you cycle past an accident site. I opt not to start the next audio book I have lined up and instead sing along to a spot of Frightened Rabbit instead. A good stay-awake ploy.

We’re back at the Flowerpot for lunch today, as we’ve heard a rumour they’ve now got a new chef. Hmmm, using the word ‘chef’ would be over glamorising the new appointment a touch. They have a young girl in to microwave, fry chips and chop salad. It’s probably not her fault she’s not very good at it, they’re probably only paying peanuts, hence you get what you get.

Our food is fine, although others do complain of under/overcooked food. The problem is that the ability to multitask, so necessary in a kitchen, has passed her by and the service is incredibly slow. We are forced to take a ninety minute lunch, for just a sandwich and some fries and when it comes it's served with an absence of a smile. The bar staff offer the group ahead of us free drinks but not us. Where are ours? Do they think her low cut top is ample redress?

Well at least we had time for an extra half of the Leeds Brewery’s ‘New Moon’ which I feel I’ve earned it after my hectic week. It's a very nice 4.3% dark beer. Who says dark beer is dead? It was only last weekend that I was drinking Taylor’s Ram Tam, so that’s two dark Yorkshire brews in one week.

We’re stuck with Clifton again for squash. Portland’s courts are closed because they are refurbishing the changing rooms and the corridor but not the courts obviously. I tell my Yorkshire born opponent about the possibly that Yorkshire is leading a renaissance in dark beer. Well something has to have a Yorkshire Renaissance, as it’s not going to happen on the football pitch. He complains that he hasn't seen Ram Tam on the bar for years. What he means is they don't sell it at the pub at the end of his road, the extent of his explorations. I point out that there are other pubs. Well, there are at the moment but the government is addressing this.

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