Monday, July 27, 2009

In Trouble

Our delightful puppy rolls in something before we even leave for work this morning and has to be scrubbed. I was just about to do the scrubbing (honest) when L stepped in, so at least she’ll be the one smelling of Eau de Rolled Dog all day and not me. MD looks very apologetic but it’s just a smokescreen, I think he just likes the attention and it won’t stop him doing it again.

Daughter sets this week’s Sainsbury’s shopping challenge. Among other items, she wants me to pick her up some nude tights... L points out that ‘nude’ is the colour. Yes I knew that. What did she think I was going to come home with? Not that it’s something I usually buy, not really my colour.

Daughter also requests joghurts. I don’t know, all that money she spent on her smart phone and you don’t even get a spell checker. Unless of course somebody has invented a yoghurt that you run with.

Anyhow, I think I’m in trouble because I couldn’t even find where the tights were in Sainsbury’s. They probably put them with the bread or somewhere similar, the men’s socks are with the cleaning products but at least I got some of the other things she wanted.

When I get back to work my colleague is drip drying in our office. Ah, I did reassure him, as he headed out on foot, that the black clouds in the distance were not going to drop their contents for, oooh at least half an hour. Then ten minutes later I was trapped in the car in Sainsbury’s car park by the resulting deluge. Oops. Think I’m in trouble.

MD’s at the vets again tonight, for his booster this time. He clearly remembers last time, when he got chipped and tries to climb into my arms almost as soon as we arrive. He’s such a baby. Talking of which, I ask the vet whether, now that he’s fifteen months old, he’s stopped growing. The vet confirms what I suspected, that he has. So, once a squirt always a squirt, and it means that he’s destined to remain forever 'the puppy'. The vet also seems surprised that he’s still 'fully tackled up'. I’m a bit surprised myself to be honest, as perhaps is MD. I wonder about asking the vet if we could transplant them on to Doggo, to give him a bit more oomph but I think better of it.

Back home I do a bit of training with MD and then take the boys on the park, where MD legs it after a fox. I wonder what would happen if the fox decided to turn and confront MD, it could end in puppy, sorry I mean fully grown dog, tears but the fox doesn’t and scarpers. MD lies down in a puddle to cool off, so he won’t be popular at home.

Ha, now L’s the one in trouble and the Harry Potter book she has been reading has been confiscated. Long story but if you upset Daughter, you accept the consequences. Although I’m sure you can guess who originally paid for the book. I’d sulk if I was L; it’s what a teenager would do. Me, I’m keeping a low profile after failing to supply the thighs.

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