Friday, January 30, 2009

Love/Hate Relationships

L offers to let me borrow her 'dreaded' bike, as she calls it, but I couldn’t deprive her, I know how much she enjoys riding it, not, but the world thrives on love/hate relationships. It's just like the one she has with the collies. Instead, I bus in with the intention of running home.

I hope it comes across in my blog that I'm a big fan of the apostrophe, in particular the possessive apostrophe. Not so Birmingham City Council who are removing them from all their street signs. This is despite the fact, that they freely admit, that 'we are constantly getting residents asking for apostrophes to be put back in' but they felt that they had to make a decision one way or another, to end decades of debate over the issue... Well yes but as usual, a council has made the wrong call and has at the same time gone against the wishes of its electorate. As for ending the debate, well obviously it won't, it'll just ignite it further. Wouldn't it have been easier for them to employ someone with GCSE English to advise them?

So spare a thought for the druid who gave his name to Druid's Heath in Birmingham because people will now presumably assume that there was once not one druid up there on the now renamed Druids Heath but a whole clan of them.

Last time I ran from work, I was a bit late getting home, so I pre-warn L, so that she doesn't worry about whether I’ve ended up under a bus or something similar. For a start, I’ll be on the bus, at least part of the way, and it would be terribly bad luck, not to mention extremely annoying, if the bus, having dropped me off, then ran me over.

We can't seem to get five minutes to ourselves in our house tonight and by the time we do, it’s a bit too late to do the planned jaunt to the pub in Beeston. So, it's down the local tonight instead.

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