Sunday, December 06, 2009

Busy On The Literature Front

Park again. No balls again. Two frustrated dogs again.

It’s my dog club AGM this afternoon and I was expecting plenty of fisticuffs over proposed changes to our training venue that are no longer proposed because they have been forced through without a vote because they needed to make a quick decision. However, this is hardly democratic. It’s a swine for me because the new venue is where I already train on a Monday and now I’ll have to trek over there on a Wednesday too. There have been a lot of semi vitriolic emails flying around since the decision but in the end I’m the only one who kicks up a fuss about anything. So after a while even I shut up. All in all it’s a pretty low key meeting which all finishes with a free buffet, which is, in true dog training style, well unhealthy. In the sports/pastimes league, it’s probably comparable to Darts on the health front. I bring some pork pie home for the boys.

Once home we watch the TV dramatisation of Small Island which is my current audio book that I’m finding heavy going. Part 1 of 2 just about catches up to where I am in the book and they cut out all the background stuff that I’ve been drowning under in the book. Sensible folk.

I’m quite busy on the literature front at the moment and I’m reading another book at the same time. This one is a real one and not an audio book. Well it’s kind of real; it’s ‘the book with no name’ by an anonymous author. L treated me to it. Which is interesting, as according to the book, anyone who reads the book ends up dead. This makes one wonder if she’s trying out a unique way of getting rid of me. Although in her defence there are dozens of excellent reviews on the web, and they all appear to be from living people but how do we know for sure. The book itself is full of unpleasant characters, many of which are undead people. In fact, it was the amount of death in it that made L think of me. It’s not bad actually and has nice short chapters, so I can read small chunks at a time. I’ll let you know if I wind up dead when I’ve finished it, if indeed the book lets me get that far.

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